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Reveal Flawless Skin With Light Energy

BroadBand Light (BBL) therapy is a revolutionary treatment that uses intense pulsed light (IPL) to target a range of skin imperfections. By utilizing different wavelengths of light, BBL can improve skin tone, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, minimize age spots, and even out skin texture. The result is a more youthful and vibrant complexion with minimal downtime. At South Coast MedSpa, we use the state-of-the-art Forever Young BBL technology by Sciton to help you unlock radiant skin.

Watch Michelle's journey to beautiful skin and renewed self-confidence

Woman getting BBL laser therapy in Newport Beach, CA

The Science Behind BBL

BroadBand Light (BBL) therapy utilizes short bursts of high-intensity light energy to target specific chromophores in the skin, such as melanin or hemoglobin. This process, known as photothermolysis, selectively destroys the targeted chromophores while leaving surrounding tissues unharmed. The body’s natural healing process removes the damaged tissue, which is replaced by new, healthy tissue. BBL Laser in Newport Beach also stimulates the production of collagen, a protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin, leading to a more youthful appearance.

BBL Corrects:

  • Sun damage
  • Age spots and freckles
  • Redness and flushing
  • Acne and acne scarring
  • Uneven skin texture
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Skin laxity and dullness
  • Enlarged pores
  • Vascular lesions and spider veins
  • Hyperpigmentation and melasma
  • Rosacea and other skin conditions

Benefits of BBL:

  • Non-invasive with minimal downtime
  • Safe and effective for all skin types
  • Versatile and can treat multiple skin concerns
  • Stimulates collagen production for a more youthful appearance
  • Improves skin texture and tone
  • Can be used on various areas of the body, including the face, neck, chest, and hands
  • Results in clearer, brighter, and more radiant-looking skin
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The Groundbreaking Forever Young BBL by Sciton

Forever Young BBL by Sciton is a state-of-the-art technology that uniquely delivers light therapy to effectively target the signs of aging and sun damage, resulting in a more refreshed, rejuvenated, and youthful appearance. The treatment is designed to keep the skin cool and comfortable, thanks to a sapphire on the end of its applicator. Forever Young BBL Laser in Newport Beach can remove age spots, freckles, redness, small vessels, and more while reducing unwanted hair and controlling active acne.

woman smiling, receiving BBL Laser in Newport Beach.

Laser Skin Resurfacing FAQs

How do I prepare for my BBL Laser session?

Preparing for BBL is easy, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Before your treatment, avoid sun exposure and tanning beds, discontinue retinoids and other exfoliants, and inform your provider of any medications or supplements you are taking. We’ll provide detailed pre-treatment instructions to ensure the best possible outcome.

What is the treatment like?

During your BBL session, you’ll be comfortably seated as your technician applies a cooling gel to the treatment area. Next, a handheld device emitting intense pulsed light will be applied to your skin, targeting the specific areas of concern. You may feel a warming sensation during the treatment, but it’s generally well-tolerated. The session typically lasts 20-60 minutes, depending on the size and number of treated areas.

Are there any side effects to the BBL Laser?

The side effects of BBL Laser in Newport Beach, are generally mild and temporary and can include redness, swelling, and mild discomfort. Some patients may experience mild bruising or temporary pigment changes, which usually resolve within a few days to a few weeks. Your technician will provide detailed post-treatment instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

What's the recovery like?

The downtime after BBL is minimal; most patients return to daily activities immediately after treatment. However, it’s important to avoid direct sun exposure and use sun protection for several weeks following the procedure. You may experience mild redness or swelling, but this usually subsides within a few hours to a few days.

What results can I expect from the BBL Laser?

You may see initial results within a week or two after your BBL, with continued improvement as your body produces new collagen. Results can last several months to a year, depending on factors such as sun exposure, lifestyle, and skincare routine.

How frequently should I get treatments?

We recommend three to six treatments spaced four to six weeks apart for optimal results. After achieving your desired results, maintenance treatments every six to 12 months can prolong the benefits of BBL. Your technician will create a customized treatment plan to meet your needs.

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Tighten, Tone, and Revitalize Your Skin With Minimal Downtime!

Actual SCMS Patients

Elva Damian

My experience has been Great! I’m happy with the treatments I’ve had at South coast med spa. The environment and the lovely employees there are all knowledgeable...

Noah Drake

Great staff and very friendly. Everyone made me feel comfortable and safe. I’m so glad I decided to go with SouthCoast Medspa, I plan on having more treatments there due to how well everything went. Excellent job!


My experience so far has been nothing short of wonderful. Shelby at reception has a very kind and nurturing personality that instantly put me at ease and Courtney the PA has made me like how I look in the mirror again! She is professional, honest and knowledgeable, and so gentle that I no longer dread the treatments.


My experience so far has been nothing short of wonderful. Shelby at reception has a very kind and nurturing personality that instantly put me at ease and Courtney the PA has made me like how I look in the mirror again...

Schedule Your Consultation

South Coast MedSpa is one of the most reputable clinics in Southern California for BBL and other advanced skincare treatments. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you achieve your desired results with compassion. We offer personalized treatment plans, including laser skin resurfacing, tailored to your specific skin concerns and goals. Schedule a consultation to learn more about BBL Laser in Newport Beach and how it can transform your skin. Let us help you look and feel your best!

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